Widseth Blog

Happy Earth Day!

Written by Widseth | Apr 22, 2021 2:13:49 PM

Happy Earth Day! Here's a list of things you can do to celebrate.

1. Attend Earth Day Live, a Virtual Event at 11AM CT Today



This live-stream event will include workshops and panel discussions by leaders around the world and special performances by musicians. Learn about emerging green technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world's ecosystems. 


2. Watch this video to Learn how Widseth helped the City of Crosslake Improve Water Quality on the Whitefish Chain of Lakes



The Whitefish Chain of Lakes is a major economic driver for the City of Crosslake. To help protect this vital asset, the community formed a Water Quality Group to spearhead efforts to address stormwater runoff issues. Watch this video to see how Widseth designed a stormwater system to improve water quality in Island Lake and Loon Lake. A continuous deflective separation (CDS) system from Contech Engineered Solutions was included in the project to help trap debris, sediment, and hydrocarbons from stormwater runoff.


3. Learn How You Can Celebrate Earth Day Every Day



People all over the world have been celebrating Earth Day since 1970, but what about the other 364 days of the year? Here are five small actions you can take that will have a big impact.

  • Use alternative transportation
  • Conserve water
  • Practice home energy efficiency
  • Buy organic, local and fair trade
  • Recycle

 Read the full article by Maria Trimarchi on HowStuffWorks.com.   


4. Listen to Jack Johnson Discuss the Issue of Plastic Pollution in Our Oceans



Jack Johnson is a musician, surfer, and filmmaker, but he is also a dedicated conservationist. In the past, Johnson and his tour crew worked with venue operators to make every effort towards a zero-waste tour through recycling, composting, and other waste diversion efforts. Recently, Johnson was part of a film crew that produced The Smog of the Sea, a documentary meant to raise awareness on the growing issue of plastic waste in our oceans. Watch this short excerpt from National Geographic.


5. Discover The EkoMarkt, a Green Commercial Building in Brainerd/Baxter



The goal of this development is to reduce negative impacts on the environment, by using less energy or natural resources, conserving water, and empowering businesses to do the same. Widseth provided civil engineering services on the project including parking lot and stormwater design.