Widseth Blog

Minnesota SRTS Infrastructure Program Solicitation Now Open

Written by Gail Leverson, MBA, EDFP - Senior Funding Specialist | Oct 4, 2021 2:00:00 PM

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program was started to enable children to walk and bicycle to school in a safe environment and to encourage them to make active and healthy lifestyle choices from an early age. Widseth's funding department can assist you in submitting a competitive funding application.


1. Program & Description

SRTS Infrastructure Grant Program

Minnesota Department of Transportation

The funds are intended to fund standalone SRTS projects or provide the local match for SRTS infrastructure projects under federal bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure programs, such as the Transportation Alternatives (TA) or Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG).

What does it fund?

  • New Trails and Sidewalks
  • Accessible curb ramp and extensions
  • Improved crossings and medians
  • Pedestrian and cyclist signage


2. Eligibility

SRTS funding is available to a broad spectrum of groups that represent students. Eligible groups include, but are not limited to:

  • Schools, both public and private
  • School districts
  • Cities
  • Counties
  • Federally recognized tribes
  • Townships


3. Type of Funding

SRTS provides grant funding. This program is typically funded through bonds or general fund appropriations, which have been apportioned by the legislature.

What is funded?

  • Up to 100% of eligible construction costs
  • Covers the local match for previous federal bicycle and pedestrian grant
  • Minimum of $50,000 and maximum of $500,000 per applicant


4. Application Deadline

  • Letter of Intent: Available October 4, 2021, and due October 29, 2021
  • Full Applications: Available November 12, 2021, and due January 7, 2022
  • Awards Announced: March 4, 2022

When is funding available?

  • Construction begins in 2022 or 2023.
  • Funding is available through 2024
  • Paid on a reimbursable basis


5. How to Get Started 

Get started on your project by contacting Widseth's Funding Department. Widseth can assist with all elements of a winning application, including Letters of Intent (LOI) and full applications. Letters of Intent are recommended for first time applicants and smaller applicants.

When your community has a need for funding for a project that will enable students to walk and bicycle to and from school, there is a benefit to working with a full-service design firm such as Widseth. Your applications will be developed simultaneously with engineer’s expertise, saving your community time and expense.