Widseth Blog

ND Department of Human Services Requires Accurate Drawings in Facility Cost Report

Written by Alicia Fadley, AIA - Architect | Jan 5, 2022 3:02:22 PM

The North Dakota Department of Human Services requires all nursing facilities, basic care, assisted living, and hospitals to provide accurate square footage drawings as part of the 2021 Nursing Facility Cost Report. It's critical to submit precise drawings because this report is used to determine state funding for your facility. The Department of Human Services suggests hiring an architect to help you with this portion of the report (Schedule W). Widseth will perform the following steps to help you submit a complete report.

  1. Collect onsite measurements of all your buildings.
  2. Create building floor plans for square footage calculations. Our software automatically calculates square footages for each space.
  3. Develop floor plan diagrams to easily identify all the different types of spaces in your buildings.
  4. Enter square footage data into Schedule W on your Facility Cost Report.

We recently created square footage drawings for Valley Senior Living in Grand Forks (pictured above) to include in their report, which was well received by the State of North Dakota. Contact us today so we can help you finish your report. Plus, if we create floor plans of your facility as it is today, you'll have an up-to-date set, which will be very helpful when planning for the future.