By Gail Leverson, MBA, EDFP - Senior Funding Specialist
December 14, 2022
The League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) has an exciting pilot grant program for small cities!
Small cities can apply for money from the LMC to help fund the cost of grant research and preparation using the assistance of an industry partner.
The League of Minnesota Cities' Grant Navigator provides small grant funding to help LMC members identify and apply for grants for an identified local project using the assistance of an industry partner.
Apply on the LMC website: Grant Navigator Application Form - League of Minnesota Cities
Submit your grant request to LMC prior to contracting with an industry partner. Your grant request should take about one month.
Feel free to call LMC at 651-215-4018 for more information.
The Widseth team is your industry partner. We can help your city identify funding options or apply for a grant for your project once you have secured LMC Grant Navigator funding. Widseth has secured more than $55 million since 2019 to help communities prosper and grow.